Crafted Community – Yours

Commonalities is the ignition of a social bond but the differences of each individual add colour and life within a community.

Crafted Community are social relationships within and around the circle of an individual’s choosing. Or at least, that’s is how I would define such term! After I’ve tortured you through my babble, I’ll leave you with a link from Huffington Post which lyrics this topic far more justly.

My goal with this post is to inspire you to simply surround yourself with people who for better or worse, create a healthier version of yourself – to move forward, upward, despite what was behind you.

No matter the woes we all deal with, the company we choose reflect our actions. The quote “Misery loves company” comes to mind. This can be translated two ways, either rely on company to lift you up during down times or be with company that best represents misery. Whatever company you choose to be present with, know that it is not an end all situation. Season of shrivel fallen leaves turn to blossoms, paycheques earned and spent, experiences had and yet to be had. As life evolves, those around us will also come and go. But know that no one else but yourself form the community you choose to a part of.

While we are all drivers of our own community, our innate temperament will naturally guide us to the direction of people that are most appealing to us to form social interactions with. Sit on the patio, at a park and people watch. You’ll notice, each group has more or less the same level of personalities that draws them together. Rarely do you see a quiet, reserved, soft spoken Jane hanging comfortably amongst a group of high energy Janes. Every which way we turn, groups are individualized but only to conform together base on a special interest or a bond. So, conform to the groups that best suits your personality and interest to further elevate those skills. Once you’ve mastered those skills, there will always be others less skilled so pass them onto and empower them. 
While my past circumstances may have been dire, I was extremely fortunate to naturally gravitate toward individuals who see the world as glass half full right from the gecko. They help me open the blinds, revealing life can be beautiful on the other side. For this, I am forever thankful for these friends of mine and I want nothing more than to offer the same view of life to others.

Together We Can is a lifelong project I recently started and while it is still in its infancy stage, I purposeful place myself in communities where it will allow me to move this project forward, one small step at a time. I volunteer my time weekly to empower and provide artistic skills to a child in care of the society and tri-weekly, I volunteer for a program where children (in care of the society) and parents are provided access to spend time together. While the families (both child & parent) go through far more lows than highs, my time with them now is simply to be present with them, a “I am here for you with no judgement” sort of presence and to provide a little bit of encouragement for them, even if it is just for a few short hours. Every worker, volunteer within this community work towards creating more positive highs for these families and just by being amongst them, inspires me to be a better version of myself.

Wherever life stage you may be, place yourself within communities you most identify with for the better. It can be a small way or a big way, whatever you are most comfortable with. Love running? Join a running group. Love to talk science and philosophy but work in the IT field? That’s ok! Visit some research labs and start the conversation! You’ll never know what projects this simple act will lead you to. Looking to travel to unpaved paths? Seek out the non-conventional travellers, they most likely would love to share their stories with you. We are all social creatures who thrive in social environments. So be sure to craft your community that best highlights your better self.

crafted community

#lifenotes: Choosing your community can be put as choosing your destiny so………. Choose with care.  Weed out the ones that weight like rocks, keep the ones that help you fly. Oh I know I can be so cheesy!

Oh and I did not forget, I leave you with another read from the Huffington Post

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